<!DOCTYPE html> <html > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Chill the lion</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> @import url(; #world { background: #ebe5e7; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden; } #instructions{ position:absolute; width:100%; top:50%; margin: auto; margin-top:120px; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif; color:#653f4c; font-size:.9em; text-transform: uppercase; text-align : center; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .lightInstructions { color:#993f4c; font-size:.8em; } #credits{ position:absolute; width:100%; margin: auto; bottom:0; margin-bottom:20px; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif; color:#b297a2; font-size:0.7em; text-transform: uppercase; text-align : center; } #credits a { color:#b297a2; } </style> </head> <body> <a id="world" href="" target="_blank" /> <div id="instructions">Press and drag to make wind<br/><span class="lightInstructions">the lion will surely appreciate</span></div> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <script> //THREEJS RELATED VARIABLES var scene, camera, controls, fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane, shadowLight, backLight, light, renderer, container; //SCENE var floor, lion, fan, isBlowing = false; //SCREEN VARIABLES var HEIGHT, WIDTH, windowHalfX, windowHalfY, mousePos = {x:0,y:0}; dist = 0; //INIT THREE JS, SCREEN AND MOUSE EVENTS function init(){ scene = new THREE.Scene(); HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; WIDTH = window.innerWidth; aspectRatio = WIDTH / HEIGHT; fieldOfView = 60; nearPlane = 1; farPlane = 2000; camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane); camera.position.z = 800; camera.position.y = 0; camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)); renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({alpha: true, antialias: true }); renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true; container = document.getElementById('world'); container.appendChild(renderer.domElement); windowHalfX = WIDTH / 2; windowHalfY = HEIGHT / 2; window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove, false); document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDown, false); document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp, false); document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false); document.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd, false); document.addEventListener('touchmove',handleTouchMove, false); /* controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement); //*/ } function onWindowResize() { HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; WIDTH = window.innerWidth; windowHalfX = WIDTH / 2; windowHalfY = HEIGHT / 2; renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); camera.aspect = WIDTH / HEIGHT; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } function handleMouseMove(event) { mousePos = {x:event.clientX, y:event.clientY}; } function handleMouseDown(event) { isBlowing = true; } function handleMouseUp(event) { isBlowing = false; } function handleTouchStart(event) { if (event.touches.length > 1) { event.preventDefault(); mousePos = {x:event.touches[0].pageX, y:event.touches[0].pageY}; isBlowing = true; } } function handleTouchEnd(event) { mousePos = {x:windowHalfX, y:windowHalfY}; isBlowing = false; } function handleTouchMove(event) { if (event.touches.length == 1) { event.preventDefault(); mousePos = {x:event.touches[0].pageX, y:event.touches[0].pageY}; } } function createLights() { light = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffff, 0xffffff, .5) shadowLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, .8); shadowLight.position.set(200, 200, 200); shadowLight.castShadow = true; shadowLight.shadowDarkness = .2; backLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, .4); backLight.position.set(-100, 200, 50); backLight.shadowDarkness = .1; backLight.castShadow = true; scene.add(backLight); scene.add(light); scene.add(shadowLight); } function createFloor(){ floor = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(1000,500), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xebe5e7})); floor.rotation.x = -Math.PI/2; floor.position.y = -100; floor.receiveShadow = true; scene.add(floor); } function createLion(){ lion = new Lion(); scene.add(lion.threegroup); } function createFan(){ fan = new Fan(); fan.threegroup.position.z = 350; scene.add(fan.threegroup); } Fan = function(){ this.isBlowing = false; this.speed = 0; this.acc =0; this.redMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xad3525, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.greyMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0x653f4c, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.yellowMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xfdd276, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); var coreGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10,10,20); var sphereGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 3); var propGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10,30,2); propGeom.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( 0,25,0) ); this.core = new THREE.Mesh(coreGeom,this.greyMat); // propellers var prop1 = new THREE.Mesh(propGeom, this.redMat); prop1.position.z = 15; var prop2 = prop1.clone(); prop2.rotation.z = Math.PI/2; var prop3 = prop1.clone(); prop3.rotation.z = Math.PI; var prop4 = prop1.clone(); prop4.rotation.z = -Math.PI/2; this.sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeom, this.yellowMat); this.sphere.position.z = 15; this.propeller = new THREE.Group(); this.propeller.add(prop1); this.propeller.add(prop2); this.propeller.add(prop3); this.propeller.add(prop4); this.threegroup = new THREE.Group(); this.threegroup.add(this.core); this.threegroup.add(this.propeller); this.threegroup.add(this.sphere); } Fan.prototype.update = function(xTarget, yTarget){ this.threegroup.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,80,60)); this.tPosX = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -250, 250); this.tPosY = rule3(yTarget, -200, 200, 250, -250); this.threegroup.position.x += (this.tPosX - this.threegroup.position.x) /10; this.threegroup.position.y += (this.tPosY - this.threegroup.position.y) /10; this.targetSpeed = (this.isBlowing) ? .3 : .01; if (this.isBlowing && this.speed < .5){ this.acc +=.001; this.speed += this.acc; }else if (!this.isBlowing){ this.acc = 0; this.speed *= .98; } this.propeller.rotation.z += this.speed; } Lion = function(){ this.windTime = 0; this.bodyInitPositions = []; this.maneParts = []; this.threegroup = new THREE.Group(); this.yellowMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xfdd276, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.redMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xad3525, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.pinkMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xe55d2b, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.whiteMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0xffffff, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.purpleMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0x451954, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.greyMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0x653f4c, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); this.blackMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: 0x302925, shading:THREE.FlatShading }); var bodyGeom = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(30,80, 140, 4); var maneGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(40,40,15); var faceGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(80,80,80); var spotGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(4,4,4); var mustacheGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(30,2,1); mustacheGeom.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( 15, 0, 0 ) ); var earGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(20,20,20); var noseGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(40,40,20); var eyeGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(5,30,30); var irisGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(4,10,10); var mouthGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(20,20,10); var smileGeom = new THREE.TorusGeometry( 12, 4, 2, 10, Math.PI ); var lipsGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(40,15,20); var kneeGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(25, 80, 80); kneeGeom.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( 0, 50, 0 ) ); var footGeom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(40, 20, 20); // body this.body = new THREE.Mesh(bodyGeom, this.yellowMat); this.body.position.z = -60; this.body.position.y = -30; this.bodyVertices = [0,1,2,3,4,10]; for (var i=0;i<this.bodyVertices.length; i++){ var tv = this.body.geometry.vertices[this.bodyVertices[i]]; tv.z =70; //tv.x = 0; this.bodyInitPositions.push({x:tv.x, y:tv.y, z:tv.z}); } // knee this.leftKnee = new THREE.Mesh(kneeGeom, this.yellowMat); this.leftKnee.position.x = 65; this.leftKnee.position.z = -20; this.leftKnee.position.y = -110; this.leftKnee.rotation.z = -.3; this.rightKnee = new THREE.Mesh(kneeGeom, this.yellowMat); this.rightKnee.position.x = -65; this.rightKnee.position.z = -20; this.rightKnee.position.y = -110; this.rightKnee.rotation.z = .3; // feet this.backLeftFoot = new THREE.Mesh(footGeom, this.yellowMat); this.backLeftFoot.position.z = 30; this.backLeftFoot.position.x = 75; this.backLeftFoot.position.y = -90; this.backRightFoot = new THREE.Mesh(footGeom, this.yellowMat); this.backRightFoot.position.z = 30; this.backRightFoot.position.x = -75; this.backRightFoot.position.y = -90; this.frontRightFoot = new THREE.Mesh(footGeom, this.yellowMat); this.frontRightFoot.position.z = 40; this.frontRightFoot.position.x = -22; this.frontRightFoot.position.y = -90; this.frontLeftFoot = new THREE.Mesh(footGeom, this.yellowMat); this.frontLeftFoot.position.z = 40; this.frontLeftFoot.position.x = 22; this.frontLeftFoot.position.y = -90; // mane this.mane = new THREE.Group(); for (var j=0; j<4; j++){ for (var k=0; k<4; k++){ var manePart = new THREE.Mesh(maneGeom, this.redMat); manePart.position.x = (j*40)-60; manePart.position.y = (k*40)-60; var amp; var zOffset; var periodOffset = Math.random()*Math.PI*2; var angleOffsetY, angleOffsetX; var angleAmpY, angleAmpX; var xInit, yInit; if ((j==0 && k==0) || (j==0 && k==3) || (j==3 && k==0) || (j==3 && k==3)){ amp = -10-Math.floor(Math.random()*5); zOffset = -5; }else if (j==0 || k ==0 || j==3 || k==3){ amp = -5-Math.floor(Math.random()*5); zOffset = 0; }else{ amp = 0; zOffset = 0; } this.maneParts.push({mesh:manePart, amp:amp, zOffset:zOffset, periodOffset:periodOffset, xInit:manePart.position.x, yInit:manePart.position.y}); this.mane.add(manePart); } } this.mane.position.y = -10; this.mane.position.z = 80; //this.mane.rotation.z = Math.PI/4; // face this.face = new THREE.Mesh(faceGeom, this.yellowMat); this.face.position.z = 135; // Mustaches this.mustaches = []; this.mustache1 = new THREE.Mesh(mustacheGeom, this.greyMat); this.mustache1.position.x = 30; this.mustache1.position.y = -5; this.mustache1.position.z = 175; this.mustache2 = this.mustache1.clone(); this.mustache2.position.x = 35; this.mustache2.position.y = -12; this.mustache3 = this.mustache1.clone(); this.mustache3.position.y = -19; this.mustache3.position.x = 30; this.mustache4 = this.mustache1.clone(); this.mustache4.rotation.z = Math.PI; this.mustache4.position.x = -30; this.mustache5 = new THREE.Mesh(mustacheGeom, this.blackMat); this.mustache5 = this.mustache2.clone(); this.mustache5.rotation.z = Math.PI; this.mustache5.position.x = -35; this.mustache6 = new THREE.Mesh(mustacheGeom, this.blackMat); this.mustache6 = this.mustache3.clone(); this.mustache6.rotation.z = Math.PI; this.mustache6.position.x = -30; this.mustaches.push(this.mustache1); this.mustaches.push(this.mustache2); this.mustaches.push(this.mustache3); this.mustaches.push(this.mustache4); this.mustaches.push(this.mustache5); this.mustaches.push(this.mustache6); // spots this.spot1 = new THREE.Mesh(spotGeom, this.redMat); this.spot1.position.x = 39; this.spot1.position.z = 150; this.spot2 = this.spot1.clone(); this.spot2.position.z = 160; this.spot2.position.y = -10; this.spot3 = this.spot1.clone(); this.spot3.position.z = 140; this.spot3.position.y = -15; this.spot4 = this.spot1.clone(); this.spot4.position.z = 150; this.spot4.position.y = -20; this.spot5 = this.spot1.clone(); this.spot5.position.x = -39; this.spot6 = this.spot2.clone(); this.spot6.position.x = -39; this.spot7 = this.spot3.clone(); this.spot7.position.x = -39; this.spot8 = this.spot4.clone(); this.spot8.position.x = -39; // eyes this.leftEye = new THREE.Mesh(eyeGeom, this.whiteMat); this.leftEye.position.x = 40; this.leftEye.position.z = 120; this.leftEye.position.y = 25; this.rightEye = new THREE.Mesh(eyeGeom, this.whiteMat); this.rightEye.position.x = -40; this.rightEye.position.z = 120; this.rightEye.position.y = 25; // iris this.leftIris = new THREE.Mesh(irisGeom, this.purpleMat); this.leftIris.position.x = 42; this.leftIris.position.z = 120; this.leftIris.position.y = 25; this.rightIris = new THREE.Mesh(irisGeom, this.purpleMat); this.rightIris.position.x = -42; this.rightIris.position.z = 120; this.rightIris.position.y = 25; // mouth this.mouth = new THREE.Mesh(mouthGeom, this.blackMat); this.mouth.position.z = 171; this.mouth.position.y = -30; this.mouth.scale.set(.5,.5,1); // smile = new THREE.Mesh(smileGeom, this.greyMat); = 173; = -15; = -Math.PI; // lips this.lips = new THREE.Mesh(lipsGeom, this.yellowMat); this.lips.position.z = 165; this.lips.position.y = -45; // ear this.rightEar = new THREE.Mesh(earGeom, this.yellowMat); this.rightEar.position.x = -50; this.rightEar.position.y = 50; this.rightEar.position.z = 105; this.leftEar = new THREE.Mesh(earGeom, this.yellowMat); this.leftEar.position.x = 50; this.leftEar.position.y = 50; this.leftEar.position.z = 105; // nose this.nose = new THREE.Mesh(noseGeom, this.greyMat); this.nose.position.z = 170; this.nose.position.y = 25; // head this.head = new THREE.Group(); this.head.add(this.face); this.head.add(this.mane); this.head.add(this.rightEar); this.head.add(this.leftEar); this.head.add(this.nose); this.head.add(this.leftEye); this.head.add(this.rightEye); this.head.add(this.leftIris); this.head.add(this.rightIris); this.head.add(this.mouth); this.head.add(; this.head.add(this.lips); this.head.add(this.spot1); this.head.add(this.spot2); this.head.add(this.spot3); this.head.add(this.spot4); this.head.add(this.spot5); this.head.add(this.spot6); this.head.add(this.spot7); this.head.add(this.spot8); this.head.add(this.mustache1); this.head.add(this.mustache2); this.head.add(this.mustache3); this.head.add(this.mustache4); this.head.add(this.mustache5); this.head.add(this.mustache6); this.head.position.y = 60; this.threegroup.add(this.body); this.threegroup.add(this.head); this.threegroup.add(this.leftKnee); this.threegroup.add(this.rightKnee); this.threegroup.add(this.backLeftFoot); this.threegroup.add(this.backRightFoot); this.threegroup.add(this.frontRightFoot); this.threegroup.add(this.frontLeftFoot); this.threegroup.traverse( function ( object ) { if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { object.castShadow = true; object.receiveShadow = true; } } ); } Lion.prototype.updateBody = function(speed){ this.head.rotation.y += (this.tHeagRotY - this.head.rotation.y) / speed; this.head.rotation.x += (this.tHeadRotX - this.head.rotation.x) / speed; this.head.position.x += (this.tHeadPosX-this.head.position.x) / speed; this.head.position.y += (this.tHeadPosY-this.head.position.y) / speed; this.head.position.z += (this.tHeadPosZ-this.head.position.z) / speed; this.leftEye.scale.y += (this.tEyeScale - this.leftEye.scale.y) / (speed*2); this.rightEye.scale.y = this.leftEye.scale.y; this.leftIris.scale.y += (this.tIrisYScale - this.leftIris.scale.y) / (speed*2); this.rightIris.scale.y = this.leftIris.scale.y; this.leftIris.scale.z += (this.tIrisZScale - this.leftIris.scale.z) / (speed*2); this.rightIris.scale.z = this.leftIris.scale.z; this.leftIris.position.y += (this.tIrisPosY - this.leftIris.position.y) / speed; this.rightIris.position.y = this.leftIris.position.y; this.leftIris.position.z += (this.tLeftIrisPosZ - this.leftIris.position.z) / speed; this.rightIris.position.z += (this.tRightIrisPosZ - this.rightIris.position.z) / speed; this.rightKnee.rotation.z += (this.tRightKneeRotZ - this.rightKnee.rotation.z) / speed; this.leftKnee.rotation.z += (this.tLeftKneeRotZ - this.leftKnee.rotation.z) / speed; this.lips.position.x += (this.tLipsPosX - this.lips.position.x) / speed; this.lips.position.y += (this.tLipsPosY - this.lips.position.y) / speed; += (this.tSmilePosX - / speed; this.mouth.position.z += (this.tMouthPosZ - this.mouth.position.z) / speed; += (this.tSmilePosZ - / speed; += (this.tSmilePosY - / speed; += (this.tSmileRotZ - / speed; } Lion.prototype.look = function(xTarget, yTarget){ this.tHeagRotY = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -Math.PI/4, Math.PI/4); this.tHeadRotX = rule3(yTarget, -200,200, -Math.PI/4, Math.PI/4); this.tHeadPosX = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, 70,-70); this.tHeadPosY = rule3(yTarget, -140, 260, 20, 100); this.tHeadPosZ = 0; this.tEyeScale = 1; this.tIrisYScale = 1; this.tIrisZScale = 1; this.tIrisPosY = rule3(yTarget, -200,200, 35,15); this.tLeftIrisPosZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, 130, 110); this.tRightIrisPosZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, 110, 130); this.tLipsPosX = 0; this.tLipsPosY = -45; this.tSmilePosX = 0; this.tMouthPosZ = 174; this.tSmilePosZ = 173; this.tSmilePosY = -15; this.tSmileRotZ = -Math.PI; this.tRightKneeRotZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, .3-Math.PI/8, .3+Math.PI/8); this.tLeftKneeRotZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -.3-Math.PI/8, -.3+Math.PI/8) this.updateBody(10); this.mane.rotation.y = 0; this.mane.rotation.x = 0; for (var i=0; i<this.maneParts.length; i++){ var m = this.maneParts[i].mesh; m.position.z = 0; m.rotation.y = 0; } for (var i=0; i<this.mustaches.length; i++){ var m = this.mustaches[i]; m.rotation.y = 0; } for (var i=0; i<this.bodyVertices.length; i++){ var tvInit = this.bodyInitPositions[i]; var tv = this.body.geometry.vertices[this.bodyVertices[i]]; tv.x = tvInit.x + this.head.position.x; } this.body.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; } = function(xTarget, yTarget){ this.tHeagRotY = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, Math.PI/4, -Math.PI/4); this.tHeadRotX = rule3(yTarget, -200,200, Math.PI/4, -Math.PI/4); this.tHeadPosX = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -70,70); this.tHeadPosY = rule3(yTarget, -140, 260, 100, 20); this.tHeadPosZ = 100; this.tEyeScale = 0.1; this.tIrisYScale = 0.1; this.tIrisZScale = 3; this.tIrisPosY = 20; this.tLeftIrisPosZ = 120; this.tRightIrisPosZ = 120; this.tLipsPosX = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -15,15); this.tLipsPosY = rule3(yTarget, -200, 200, -45,-40); this.tMouthPosZ = 168; this.tSmilePosX = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -15,15); this.tSmilePosY = rule3(yTarget, -200, 200, -20,-8); this.tSmilePosZ = 176; this.tSmileRotZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -Math.PI-.3, -Math.PI+.3); this.tRightKneeRotZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, .3+Math.PI/8, .3-Math.PI/8); this.tLeftKneeRotZ = rule3(xTarget, -200, 200, -.3+Math.PI/8, -.3-Math.PI/8); this.updateBody(10); this.mane.rotation.y = -.8*this.head.rotation.y; this.mane.rotation.x = -.8*this.head.rotation.x; var dt = 20000 / (xTarget*xTarget+yTarget*yTarget); dt = Math.max(Math.min(dt,1), .5); this.windTime += dt; for (var i=0; i<this.maneParts.length; i++){ var m = this.maneParts[i].mesh; var amp = this.maneParts[i].amp; var zOffset = this.maneParts[i].zOffset; var periodOffset = this.maneParts[i].periodOffset; m.position.z = zOffset + Math.cos(this.windTime+periodOffset)*amp*dt*2; } this.leftEar.rotation.x = Math.cos(this.windTime)*Math.PI/16*dt; this.rightEar.rotation.x = -Math.cos(this.windTime)*Math.PI/16*dt; for (var i=0; i<this.mustaches.length; i++){ var m = this.mustaches[i]; var amp = (i<3) ? -Math.PI/8 : Math.PI/8; m.rotation.y = amp + Math.cos(this.windTime + i)*dt*amp; }; for (var i=0; i<this.bodyVertices.length; i++){ var tvInit = this.bodyInitPositions[i]; var tv = this.body.geometry.vertices[this.bodyVertices[i]]; tv.x = tvInit.x + this.head.position.x; } this.body.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; } function loop(){ render(); var xTarget = (mousePos.x-windowHalfX); var yTarget= (mousePos.y-windowHalfY); fan.isBlowing = isBlowing; fan.update(xTarget, yTarget); if(isBlowing) {, yTarget); }else{ lion.look(xTarget, yTarget); } requestAnimationFrame(loop); } function render(){ if (controls) controls.update(); renderer.render(scene, camera); } init(); createLights(); createFloor(); createLion(); createFan(); loop(); function clamp(v,min, max){ return Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max); } function rule3(v,vmin,vmax,tmin, tmax){ var nv = Math.max(Math.min(v,vmax), vmin); var dv = vmax-vmin; var pc = (nv-vmin)/dv; var dt = tmax-tmin; var tv = tmin + (pc*dt); return tv; } </script> </body> </html> 提示:你可以先修改部分代码再运行。 转载请注明:有爱前端 » 国外大神的视觉效果 喜欢 (2)or分享 (0)