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'#333' : '#fff'; } function getTracks() { return [{ "bg": "#404040", "name": "Paradise ", "artist": "Laibert", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#01cfc2", "name": "Talking About", "artist": "Conor Maynard", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#292b5d", "name": "Make A Move ", "artist": "Torro Torro", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#eda6a2", "name": "Baby Love", "artist": "Petite Meller", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#a0363b", "name": "Another You ", "artist": "Armin van Buuren", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#f8f9f9", "name": "Adore", "artist": "Jasmine Thompson", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#ebcc78", "name": "Yellow", "artist": "Robin Schulz", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#fcfae5", "name": "Changes", "artist": "Faul & Wad Ad", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#2d312e", "name": "Seve ", "artist": "Tez Cadey", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#ece1e7", "name": "Heartbeat", "artist": "Claptone", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#5c1d3d", "name": "Waves ", "artist": "Mr. Probz", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#ffbb6e", "name": "Escape ", "artist": "Zimmer", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#5674aa", "name": "All In You ", "artist": "Synapson", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#fde082", "name": "Reality ", "artist": "Lost Frequencies", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#aab6d1", "name": "Casanova", "artist": "Palm Trees", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#45a59a", "name": "Coming Over ", "artist": "James Hersey", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#f8f9f9", "name": "Adore", "artist": "Jasmine Thompson", "url": "" }, { "bg": "#a0363b", "name": "Something About You", "artist": "Hayden James", "url": "" }]; } </script> </html> 提示:你可以先修改部分代码再运行。 转载请注明:有爱前端 » 3d刷新数据 喜欢 (0)or分享 (0)