mongodump -h -d mybook -o /www/wwwroot/yhqtb/mybook -u=mybookname -p=g123456 --authenticationDatabase=mybook
Export the content of a running server into .bson files.
Specify a database with -d and a collection with -c to only dump that database or collection.
See for more information.
general options:
--help print usage
--version print the tool version and exit
verbosity options:
-v, --verbose=
--quiet hide all log output
connection options:
-h, --host=
authentication options:
-u, --username=
-p, --password=
namespace options:
-d, --db=
-c, --collection=
query options:
-q, --query= query filter, as a JSON string, e.g., '{x:{$gt:1}}'
--queryFile= path to a file containing a query filter (JSON)
--forceTableScan force a table scan
output options:
-o, --out=
--gzip compress archive our collection output with Gzip
--repair try to recover documents from damaged data files (not supported by all storage engines)
--oplog use oplog for taking a point-in-time snapshot
--dumpDbUsersAndRoles dump user and role definitions for the specified database
-j, --numParallelCollections= number of collections to dump in parallel (4 by default)
mongorestore -h IP --port 端口 -u 用户名 -p 密码 -d 数据库 --drop 文件存在路径
docker exec -it 26d07e8f11da /bin/bash
mongorestore -d mybook /data/backup_data/mybook --drop
mongorestore /data/backup_data/mybook
转载请注明:有爱前端 » mongodb 备份 指定用户名密码