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mouse.down = true }) this.html.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { mouse.down = false }) this.html.canvas.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { mouse.over = true }) this.html.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', function(e) { mouse.down = false mouse.over = false }) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------| loop |-------------------------------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// setInterval(function() { particleSystem.step() if (mouse.over && !mouse.down) return var width = canvas.width / particleSystem.scale var height = canvas.height / particleSystem.scale // pushes the particle emmiter left/right/up/down var totalDirection = 1 - (settings.direction.max - settings.direction.min) / 360 var direction = settings.direction.min + (settings.direction.max - settings.direction.min)/2 var directionRadians = degreeToRadian(direction) var xPush = Math.cos(directionRadians) * (width/2*totalDirection*0.75) var yPush = Math.sin(directionRadians) * (height/2*totalDirection*0.5) var xBurst = (mouse.down ? mouse.x : width/2 - xPush) var yBurst = (mouse.down ? mouse.y : height/2 - yPush) particleSystem.burst({ x: xBurst, y: yBurst, ...settings }) // center line // particleSystem.ctx.beginPath() // particleSystem.ctx.moveTo(canvas.width/2, 0) // particleSystem.ctx.lineTo(canvas.width/2, canvas.height) // particleSystem.ctx.stroke() // area circle particleSystem.ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)' particleSystem.ctx.beginPath() particleSystem.ctx.arc(xBurst, yBurst, settings.width*settings.scale/2, 0, Math.PI*2) particleSystem.ctx.closePath() particleSystem.ctx.stroke() }, 1000/60) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------| system |-----------------------------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function ParticleSystem(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') this.particles = [] this.scale = 1 this.changeScale = function(value) { this.scale = value this.resize() } this.step = function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) for (var particle of this.particles) { this.stepParticle(particle) } } this.burst = function(settings) { if (Math.random() < settings.interval) { for(var i = 0; i < settings.count; i++) this.createParticle(settings) } this.particles = this.particles.filter(function(particle) { return particle.life }) } this.createParticle = function(overrides) { var settings = {} settings = Object.assign(settings, overrides) var size = randomRange(settings.size.min, settings.size.max) var vel = randomRange(settings.vel.min, settings.vel.max) var color = settings.colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * settings.colors.length)] var colorStart = color[0] var colorEnd = color[1] var rgbStart = this.hexToRgb(colorStart) var rgbEnd = this.hexToRgb(colorEnd) var rgbChange = { r: (rgbEnd.r - rgbStart.r) / settings.life, g: (rgbEnd.g - rgbStart.g) / settings.life, b: (rgbEnd.b - rgbStart.b) / settings.life, } var totalGaussian = Math.random() * settings.gaussian var life = settings.life - (settings.life * totalGaussian) var direction = randomRange(settings.direction.min, settings.direction.max) if (settings.pattern === 'halo') { var x = canYouPleaseLearnRadiansCos(direction) * (settings.height/2) var y = iDontReallyWantToSin(direction) * (settings.height/2) } if (settings.pattern === 'orb') { var x = canYouPleaseLearnRadiansCos(direction) * (settings.width/2*Math.random()) var y = iDontReallyWantToSin(direction) * (settings.height/2*Math.random()) } if (settings.pattern === 'chaos') { var x = randomRange(-settings.width/2, settings.width/2) var y = randomRange(-settings.height/2, settings.height/2) x -= x * totalGaussian y -= y * totalGaussian } var particle = { color: { value: rgbStart, change: rgbChange }, x: settings.x + x, y: settings.y + y, size: size, direction: direction, vel: vel, friction: settings.friction, accel: settings.accel, alpha: settings.alpha, fade: settings.fade, grow: settings.grow, life: settings.life, shape: settings.shape, wobble: { time: settings.wobble.time, timer: settings.wobble.time, amount: settings.wobble.amount, direction: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1, } } this.particles.unshift(particle) } this.stepParticle = function(particle) { particle.life -= 1 particle.vel += particle.accel particle.vel *= particle.friction particle.wobble.amount *= particle.friction var hSpeed = canYouPleaseLearnRadiansCos(particle.direction) * particle.vel var vSpeed = iDontReallyWantToSin(particle.direction) * particle.vel particle.x += hSpeed particle.y += vSpeed if (particle.wobble.time) { particle.direction += particle.wobble.amount * particle.wobble.direction // console.log(particle.direction) particle.wobble.timer -= 1 if (particle.wobble.timer <= 0) { particle.wobble.timer = particle.wobble.time particle.wobble.direction *= -1 } } particle.color.value.r += particle.color.change.r particle.color.value.g += particle.color.change.g particle.color.value.b += particle.color.change.b particle.alpha = Math.max(particle.alpha - particle.fade, 0) particle.size = Math.max(particle.size + particle.grow, 0) if (particle.alpha <= 0) particle.life = 0 if (particle.size <= 0) particle.life = 0 this.ctx.fillStyle = particle.color.value.toString() this.ctx.globalAlpha = particle.alpha if (particle.shape == 'square') { this.ctx.fillRect( particle.x * this.scale - (particle.size/2 * this.scale), particle.y * this.scale - (particle.size/2 * this.scale), particle.size * this.scale, particle.size * this.scale ) } if (particle.shape == 'circle') { this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc( particle.x * this.scale, particle.y * this.scale, particle.size * this.scale, 0, Math.PI*2 ) this.ctx.fill() } this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } this.hexToRgb = function(hex) { if(hex.length == 4) { hex = hex[0]+hex[1]+hex[1]+hex[2]+hex[2]+hex[3]+hex[3] } return { r: parseInt('0x' + hex.slice(1, 3)), g: parseInt('0x' + hex.slice(3, 5)), b: parseInt('0x' + hex.slice(5, 7)), toString: function() { return `rgb(${this.r}, ${this.g}, ${this.b})` } } } this.resize = function() { this.particles = [] this.canvas.width = this.canvas.clientWidth this.canvas.height = this.canvas.clientHeight } window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this)) this.resize() } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------| boring |-----------------------------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function randomRange(min, max) { return min + Math.random() * (max - min) } function degreeToRadian(degree) { return degree * (Math.PI/180) } function canYouPleaseLearnRadiansCos(degree) { return Math.cos(degreeToRadian(degree)) } function iDontReallyWantToSin(degree) { return Math.sin(degreeToRadian(degree)) } </script> </html> 提示:你可以先修改部分代码再运行。 转载请注明:有爱前端 » json控制canvas 动画 喜欢 (11)or分享 (0)